Blog Archives

The Transformation of West Virginia Ave?

wva public worksOn June 4th, the Office of Planning held an open house introducing the public to the West Virginia Avenue Public Works Campus Master Plan project. The District’s vehicle maintenance, re-fueling and parking facilities along West Virginia Ave between Mt. Olivet Road and New York Avenue is set to be transformed “into a model of sustainable public works operations and a catalyst for community development.” Over the next 6 months there will be various opportunities for the public to contribute to the process, including open office hours, focus group visioning sessions and another open house in the fall.

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UPDATE: Meeting on Trinidad Rec Center playground renovation: Tuesday, February 18

Trinidad Meeting 1 Flyer NEW DATE

The District’s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and Department of General Services (DGS) are pleased to invite you to a meeting to discuss the renovation of the playground at Trinidad Recreation Center (1310 Childress Street NE). The renovation is part of the Mayor’s Play DC initiative to provide children and adults with exciting, innovative, and inclusive play spaces.

The first phase of renovating a playground are planning and design. At this first community meeting, DPR and DGS will introduce the project and project team and solicit your feedback about your play space needs. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, 2014, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Trinidad Recreation Center, 1310 Childress Street NE.

For those unable to attend the meeting, we will also provide an online survey to solicit design ideas and input. You will be able to access the link through the project website:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact DPR at or by phone at 202-673-7647.

TNA community meeting: Tuesday, July 24

Please join us on July 24th at the Joe Cole Recreation Center!

Councilmember McDuffie’s office and DGS will discuss the recent fire at Webb E.S. and inform the community of the next steps with regard to the damage and the disposition process.

Mike Goodno from DDOT will share a bike lane proposal for West Virginia Avenue NE [pdf] The major change required to install the bicycle lanes per this draft plan would be the removal of the parking lane on the Gallaudet University side of the road. Removing this parking lane would create the necessary 10’ of roadway width to install a 5’ bicycle lane on each side of the road.

Webb E.S. fire is under investigation

As you likely know by now, Webb E.S. suffered a 2-alarm fire late Monday evening. The fire is under investigation, and early reports indicate that the building was not secure.

We have been pressuring the Department of General services over the past few months to increase the transparency of Webb’s property disposition. At this time, we do not know what the future of the building or the property will be; we have reached out to Councilmember McDuffie and will update you as new information becomes available.

Rather than attempt to paraphrase the coverage already out there, we will update the links below as we get them (please share any you’ve come across in the comments):

Your testimony needed ASAP on Webb E.S. surplus property

Webb Elementary School

Webb Elementary, Mt. Olivet Road, Washington, DC. Photo by rllayman on Flickr.

***UPDATE: DGS has extended the dealine for testimony to Friday, June 15, at 5:00 pm. Please send your written testimony to Brian Hanlon, Acting Director of DC Department of General Services, at, cc’ing Althea O. Holford, Realty Specialist, at***

Though it appears that a good majority of the community was unaware, the Department of General Services (DGS) held another public meeting on the disposition of Webb E.S. as a surplus property.

Webb was taken off the February public meeting agenda at the last minute, and DGS conducted an analysis of the property to identify whether or not it was suitable for a District agency use. Ultimately, such a use was not identified, and DGS held another meeting on May 17 to explain why the school is being surplused, to explain what the next steps are in the disposition process, and to solicit input from the community. You can review the presentation slides from that meeting here.

TNA was not notified of the May 17 meeting – when we found out about it this week, we contacted DGS for more information. We received  the presentation slides and confirmation that the public record is open until Monday, June 11. We have requested a week extension to this deadline, and will update this post if that extension is granted.

In the meantime, please submit your written testimony, which will be added to the record of the public hearing, by 5:00 pm on Monday, June 11 to Brian Hanlon, Acting Director of DC Department of General Services, at, cc’ing Althea O. Holford, Realty Specialist, at

Public meeting on proposed surplus of Webb E.S. property: February 27

Department of General Services



Webb Elementary School

Webb Elementary, Mt. Olivet Road, Washington, DC. Photo by rllayman on Flickr.

The District will conduct a public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed surplus of the following District properties. The date, time and location shall be as follows:

Parcel No: 01410047 at 1375 Mount Olivet Road, (“Webb School Building”)
Parcel No: 01600045 at 820 26th Street NE, (“Young School Building”)
Monday, February 27, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Trinidad Recreation Center
1310 Childress Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Althea O. Holford, Real Estate Specialist
Department of General Services
202.478.2428 or