Blog Archives

Housing-First Units Open on Owen Place

A few of Trinidad’s newest residents moved to the neighborhood in October as Open Arms Housing, Inc. completed and opened their housing-first units on Owen Place. The units, their second project in Washington, DC, provide permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless women and are a model for ending chronic homelessness in the city. The project begins with providing permanent housing and then addressing other services based on individual need. Funding for the projects are from a mix a public and private entities. Construction was recognized back in April as Open Arms Housing and their construction partners moved forward with building plans.

A recent Washington Post covered the project on Owen Place and provides an introduction to some of our newest neighbors. Stop by and say hello to welcome them to our community!

TNA monthly community meeting: Tuesday, April 23

Please join us on April 23 at Trinidad Rec Center!

This month, Marilyn Kresky-Wolff, executive director of Open Arms Housing, Inc., will join us with an introduction and to share information on a new, permanent housing site in the neighborhood, and neighbor Dawn Boutelle will discuss the upcoming Deloitte IMPACT Day activities at both the Trinidad and Joe Cole Recreation Centers. We’ll also have updates from MPD-5D and neighborhood ANCs. As always, we’d love to hear your community announcements!

TNA April 2013 meeting notice