Blog Archives

News from Gallaudet University

Many of us contributed ideas to Gallaudet University’s (GU) design competition for the 6th Street NE development project. This feedback will be provided to the four finalists recently selected to continue with the second phase of the design competition. These four finalists will engage the project’s diverse community of stakeholders in a series of interactive workshops to be held at Gallaudet University the week of October 19 and will submit their final design proposals by January 2016. You can read more about the competition and the firms selected for the shortlist here.

Recently GU also announced that they selected a new president to lead the university. Roberta Cordano will assume leadership of the university as Alan Hurwitz retires at the end of the year. We welcome her to the neighborhood and trust that the process to open gates between the university and the surrounding neighborhoods will continue under her guidance.

Help Shape the Future

On September 16th Gallaudet University (GU) held an open community meeting to introduce the 6th Street and new Campus Gateway design competition and to explain how community members can be involved in the Shape Gallaudet process. GU owns parcels to the north and south of the Union Market building and warehouse. Those parcels and areas inside the GU fence along 6th Street (where garages and the motor pool are located along with other maintenance/grounds keeping spaces) are to be redeveloped with mixed-use space designated for retail, creative, cultural, and university use. GU Parcels

While the focus is on the west side of campus, it is important for Trinidad residents to provide insights as GU works to redefine its urban edge and integrate more closely with the surrounding communities. We have opportunity to, or do, interact with the campus environment daily. We live next to, or are, current or former students or staff.

There are two ways to become involved. The first is to enter the competition with a design team. The second is to provide “ideas, inspirations, sketches, images, and videos… The finest of these will be used to inform the briefing to be given to the design teams shortlisted after the first stage.” You can find details on submitting Shape Gallaudet ideas or entering the design competition on the design competition website. The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2015. The more robust the input the more the final gateway design will reflect an open and inclusive character that integrates into the broader neighborhood.

A copy of the presentation is attached to provide additional information (Community Announcement PPT Final) and you can read the announcement here.

Thanks to Access, ASL/English interpreting available at TNA meetings & events


ASL/English interpreting is available at Trinidad Nieghborhood Association monthly community meetings as well as many TNA hosted events. Thank you to Access Interpreting, Inc for providing this service for the community.

If you utilize the service and don’t see it posted on a meeting or event notice, please contact TNA to learn if an interpreter is available. We do our best to provide access to all residents and are thankful for the generosity of Access.

Tim Wise on slavery and emancipation: Tuesday, November 13, at Gallaudet

Tim Wise, anti-racism activist and writer, will speak at Gallaudet University on Tuesday, November 13 from 12:30-1:50 pm. The topic is “Slavery, Emancipation, and the Residual Impact of Slavery on the African American Community Today.” Mr. Wise’s presentation will be followed by a book signing and reception.

The event is free, open to the public, and will be held in the Swindell Auditorium at the Gallaudet University Kellogg Conference Hotel.

Gallaudet’s Full Plate food drive: Friday, November 9

Gallaudet University, in partnership with Giant food and the 5th District Police Department, is holding a “Full Plate” food drive. A Giant food truck will be parked on campus, and the goal is to fill it up and then donate to those in need. If you’d like to donate non-perishable food items, you can head to Elstad Auditorium or drop them off to the truck, which will be parked near the 8th St. and Florida Ave. gate 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.


Gallaudet University 2022 Campus Plan Forums and Workshop