Blog Archives

Woofstock! Fun for you and your pup

, a new dog walking mobile app with a network of insured dog walkers, is hosting Woofstock right here in Trinidad!


BTW, Bardo is always dog-friendly.

Anacostica Watershed Society’s June Watershed Wednesday Happy Hour at Bardo

Celebrate the Bald Eagles nesting at the Arboretum with the Anacostia Watershed Society!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Bardo Brewpub, 1200 Bladensburg Rd. NE Washington, DC 20002

Description: What’s it like to be a bird living in the Anacostia Watershed? Why is it such a big deal that Bald Eagles are nesting at the National Arboretum for the first time in 47 years? Do you have an interest in birding but don’t know where to start?

Come get some answers over a cold brew at AWS’s June Watershed Wednesday Happy Hour!  Discover and/or cultivate your love for birds and learn just how important these graceful creatures are to the watershed. Keep an eye on the sky, an eagle just might fly by!

For more information and to RSVP click here.

TNA monthly community meeting: Tuesday, January 22

Please join us on January 22 at Joe Cole Rec Center!

Happy New Year! This month KIPP DC will share their plans to redevelop the Webb School, Bardo Brewpub reps will discuss their proposed new business on Bladensburg Road, and MedStar Washington Hospital Center will bring us up to speed on their community outreach. We’ll also have updates from neighborhood ANCs and MPD-5D. As always, we’d love to hear your community announcements!

TNA jan 2013 meeting notice