A Change In Direction

For most of the past 8 years the Trinidad Neighborhood Association (TNA) has held monthly community meetings. The meetings were an opportunity for neighbors to meeting and receive information from the Metropolitan Police Department, elected officials, and special guests.  While the meetings were a great opportunity for community engagement, Trinidad is well served by three dynamic ANC Commissioners that also hold regular meetings.  Upon reflection TNA has determined that our regular monthly meetings were becoming increasingly duplicative, and have decided to end our regular community meetings.  This change will allow TNA to focus more on being a conduit for community based grassroots project initiatives.  That includes projects that range from community cleanups to history trails to little library projects, and social events like brunches, teas, tours, outings and happy hours. In a sense the sky’s the limit, but it all requires community engagement and involvement.

TNA is a volunteer driven community organization. TNA is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Corporation, a charity, focused squarely on improving the quality of life in the Trinidad Neighborhood.  There is no staff. TNA is made up of neighbors just like you.

If you want to organize a community event we can help spread the word online, we could serve as a fiscal agent for grants (pending board approval), and we are the official Friends of Organization for the Trinidad Recreation Center (we can hold fundraisers to support programming for that recreation center). The bottom line is we need you, your ideas, your energy, and your passion. Together we can continue to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.

Posted on January 23, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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