Author Archives: Trinidad Neighborhood Association

A Change In Direction

For most of the past 8 years the Trinidad Neighborhood Association (TNA) has held monthly community meetings. The meetings were an opportunity for neighbors to meeting and receive information from the Metropolitan Police Department, elected officials, and special guests.  While the meetings were a great opportunity for community engagement, Trinidad is well served by three dynamic ANC Commissioners that also hold regular meetings.  Upon reflection TNA has determined that our regular monthly meetings were becoming increasingly duplicative, and have decided to end our regular community meetings.  This change will allow TNA to focus more on being a conduit for community based grassroots project initiatives.  That includes projects that range from community cleanups to history trails to little library projects, and social events like brunches, teas, tours, outings and happy hours. In a sense the sky’s the limit, but it all requires community engagement and involvement.

TNA is a volunteer driven community organization. TNA is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Corporation, a charity, focused squarely on improving the quality of life in the Trinidad Neighborhood.  There is no staff. TNA is made up of neighbors just like you.

If you want to organize a community event we can help spread the word online, we could serve as a fiscal agent for grants (pending board approval), and we are the official Friends of Organization for the Trinidad Recreation Center (we can hold fundraisers to support programming for that recreation center). The bottom line is we need you, your ideas, your energy, and your passion. Together we can continue to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.

Join your neighbors Saturday morning for a community clean-up

Let’s make Trinidad look nicer by picking up trash along our streets and in our parks. Meet at Joe Cole recreation center on Neal Street this Saturday October 8 at 10am to get trash bags and break out into teams. How much of the neighborhood we can cover and which areas get priority depends on who comes out to help. So please join us. Plus it is a great way to get to know your neighbors.  

Technology Access and Change in Tuesday’s TNA Meeting

TNA will be joining with Connect.DC next Tuesday, September 27th for a conversation on technology needs and programs for Ward 5 residents. We will still be meeting at the Trinidad Recreation Center but the meeting will start at 6:30 pm (instead of the usual 7:00 pm start time).

We look forward to seeing you there and learning more about the Connected Communities Initiative and how we can increase internet access for residents, businesses and community institutions in our neighborhood.

There is an Event Brite link where you can register (Yes, we know that assumes internet access when we are going to a meeting on increasing access where it is limited. If you cannot access the link, please show up anyway!).


Heat Emergency/Saturday Neighborhood Clean Up Cancelled

While fall weather will be here soon, the Capital Weather Gang report for this weekend is for oppressive humidity, high dew points and heat index values toward 105 degrees. Given Saturday’s weather forecast, the monthly clean up in Trinidad will be cancelled. If you can get out later in the week ahead or in the very early hours or late evening when the heat is not as oppressive, we hope you will continue to sweep or pick up trash in areas near your home.  We do not want people out in the high heat and sun of the day to clean. It is safer for everyone indoors or cool areas when temperatures are so high.

The DC government has extended hours of the spray parks and they will be open this weekend. Please be mindful of heat emergency conditions and continue to watch out for neighbors that may need access to a cooling center. You can access information about heat emergencies on the DC website.

Stay hydrated and enjoy your weekend!


Monthly Community Meeting – August 23rd

Everything you ever wanted to know about water in DC! 

TNA’s Monthly Community Meeting

Tuesday August 23rd 


Trinidad Recreation Center

1310 Childress St NE

We’ll have a number of different representatives of DC Water at this month’s meeting to answer questions about water quality, water conservation, the impacts of large-scale construction projects and our aging plumbing systems.

Plus other community updates. 

Trash Clean Up for Today Cancelled / Cooling Centers

Given the record high temperatures expected today, the second Saturday of the month clean up will be cancelled for today. The next community wide clean up will be on Saturday, September 10th.

There is an Excessive Heat Warning and Watch for our area from this morning through Sunday night. Temperatures are expected to be around 100 degrees with heat index values ranging from 110 to 115 degrees. Find ways to stay cool in air conditioned buildings, at spray parks, and by limiting outdoor strenuous activity. You can find information on heat emergency information on the DC website. If you know of a senior or other person that needs transportation to a cooling center, please call 1-800-535-7252.



Trinidad Day will be tomorrow at the Trinidad Recreation Center (1310 Childress St NE) from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Join in on free activities and entertainment for all ages. There will be face painting, moon bounce, live music, a health and wellness fair, games, food, and much more!

Trinidad Day Flyer SMD5d02

Dick’s Sporting Goods Hiring for New Store

The Ward 5 Liaison in the Mayor’s Office posted information today on a job fair taking place this afternoon from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at New Canaan Baptist Church (2826 Bladensburg Road NE) for Dick’s Sporting Goods.  They are opening a new store in Dakota Crossing and need to hire staff for the store. See the attached flyer for details.

Anyone attending the session should take a copy of their resume to complete an on-line application and schedule an interview.


TNA Meeting July 25th

There will be two interesting and pertinent discussions at the Trinidad Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday, July 26th. The first will be with Dr. Roberta (Bobbi) Cordano from Gallaudet University on GU/Trinidad neighborhood relations. The second presentation will be on energy efficiency by the Washington, D.C. Office of the People’s Counsel.

The meeting will be at the Trinidad Recreation Center (1310 Childress St NE) starting at 7:00 pm.

Please share with friends and neighbors and join us at the recreation center (there’s air conditioning!)



Crossing the Street: Activating Ivy City

Residents and artists can join efforts with Building Community and other partners in an art and creative placemaking initiative in the historic Ivy City neighborhood to implement a temporary, creative action that promotes community building, reflects the neighborhood’s rich heritage, and declares residents’ vision for the future of Ivy City.

Check the website for details and further information.